Das Boot 1990 retro game
Das Boot 1990 retro game
Retro Games - Tedious Retro Gamer

Das Boot

1990 computer games Amiga games

Das Boot retro game

submarine simulatorssimulator games

Das Boot is one of the best war movies ever made - rough, unforgettable and depressingly realistic. Three-Sixty Pacific, company known mostly as creators of best ever naval simulator Harpoon, made a game based on that movie, or rather inspired by that war movie. The graphic side of the game was using vector graphics that had many flaws at the beginning of the technology and thus Das Boot is hardly impressive on that front - sometimes it is hard to determine what exactly we are looking at.

But graphics were not the strongest point of the game - instead of developing good visual side the creators concentrated on the elements of the simulation that were overlooked by other companies. For example we have access to anti-aircraft gun, we control the radio messages, we have to actually search for enemy throughout the map basing on limited informations we receive through radio, we can stumble upon minefields, we can fight against other submarines. There are only few scenarios available, but each of them is unique - from searching Norwegian fjords, through hunting convoys on the Atlantic to crossing the Gibraltar Strait during foggy night.

Das Boot was an ambitious project that failed miserably on visual side, but interesting atmosphere and options unavailable in other submarine simulators made it a game that is still remembered. Maybe not particularly fondly remembered, but still remembered.

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